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PC Cleaning

Only £ 4.99 per unit*

*Unit - computer tower, mouse, keyboard, screen, telephone, table

We want to keep this planet clean and green.

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Carpet Cleaning

Now Only  £35 per hour*

*Host Cleaning without furniture moving

We want to keep this planet clean and green.

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We want to keep this planet clean and green.

Let's start from your office.

Rodent control - rats and mice


Mice are normally active at night, and you may not see them during the day. You may find nests, which are made of materials such as paper and look like a ball of material loosely woven together. You may find partially nibbled food and small droppings.


Rats are also nocturnal. Droppings near food sources are the most common sign of rats along with evidence of gnawing, tracks, burrows and nests.

  • Mice and rats contaminate the environments in which they live through their urine, droppings and hairs. They can carry a wide range of diseases that can be passed on to humans, either by directly contaminating food with droppings and urine, or by contaminating surfaces. Rats in particular can pass on Weil’s disease, which can be fatal to humans.
  • Rats can also cause extensive structural damage to property. They are capable of gnawing a range of materials including electric cables and wiring, which could cause fire or electrocution.