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PC Cleaning

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*Unit - computer tower, mouse, keyboard, screen, telephone, table

We want to keep this planet clean and green.

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Carpet Cleaning

Now Only  £35 per hour*

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We want to keep this planet clean and green.

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We want to keep this planet clean and green.

Let's start from your office.

moth control

For Moth Control London you need to Locate the source of infestation before treatment. Examine closets and stored goods for larvae cases, moths, and damage. Larvae prefer to feed in secluded, dark places. For Moth Control London use a flashlight and nail file to check for woollen lint and hair under baseboards, in and under seldom moved upholstered furniture, in air ducts, in carpets at the corners of the room and along edges, in stored clothing, and in other places not readily accessible.

Check furs or feathers, such as stuffed birds or animal heads, antique feather beds, or felt in pianos, woollen scrap piles, etc. Adult moths do not feed in fabrics, but may be seen in darkened corners at night.

Moth Control in London is not always easy because the larvae hide in amongst clothes (which should not be directly treated with insecticides) or within carpets (which are difficult to penetrate). Thorough cleaning deters moth but once you have a problem you will probably require chemical application to gain Moth Control.

Care should be taken to select a non-staining insecticide if soft furnishings are to be treated. Although some may prefer the moth pheromone trapping approach. You can use the Moth Pheromone Traps to determine where the problems are but these will attract only the adult male moths, which may have already laid eggs on material, it is essential that a thorough treatment be carried out and that every possible larva development site is treated. They may be found in association with birds’ and mammals’ nests, therefore these possibilities should be checked when tracing the source of the infestation and removing Moths.